Open To Work

Journey of a Front-End Developer,

I'm Ashraf Chowdury, I've been learning the art of Frontend development by building things and contributing to open-source.

Current Stack -

ashraf chowdury

Web Design

I have experience in designing websites, which enables me to design my own projects using Figma.

Front End

I am a skilled front-end developer and have built and contributed to multiple projects using different technologies.

Back End

I learned Backend development to add functionality to my frontend projects. I used Firebase, and Appwrite in different projects.

Recent Works

Projects I had recently worked on

My Ecosystem

I used these technologies to build my projects


I try to use the best frontend technologies to make my life easier.


I'm not an expert in Backend, but I know how to use these techs.


Tools I used to maintain my code and design something.

Latest Article

Latest articles I published on Hashnode

Web Dev5/15/2023, 10:51:00 AM

My next 30 days Appwrite hackathon journey

I'll be sharing my hashnode & appwrite hackathon journey on Twitter, what I'm going to build and what I learned from the journey, what stack I'm going to use etc.

Web Dev1/25/2023, 4:33:00 AM

React Components With Typescript

There are multiple ways to use React components with typescript. In this article, we will see some of the ways to create components with typescript.

Web Dev2/25/2023, 4:34:00 AM

6 Techniques for Exporting Functions in Node.js

If you're working with Node.js and want to export a function from one module to another, there are several techniques you can use.